Types and Uses of Inflatable Boats

Inflatable boats are lightweight built from flexible tubes comprising of pressurized gas. Small inflatable boats have flexible hull and floor whereas, boats that are relatively longer have a couple of rigid aluminum or plywood sheets fixed amid the tubes.

Inflatable boats can be easily undone and packed in small volumes. Thus, inflatable ships don’t take much space and can be stored in less place.

Types of inflatable boats:

Rigid inflatable boat:

An inflatable boat manufacturer has developed a boat that contains a hard floor with the concrete hull. The exterior of the inflatable boat is designed to withstand the water pressure that enables the rider to have a comfortable experience when the weather conditions are harsh, and the traveling speed accelerates.

Soft inflatable boat:

Unlike a rigid inflatable boat, this type of ship has no concrete hull and stiff floor. The surface of the soft inflatable boat is detachable slatted bottom so that it can be disassembled and transported into a car. These boats are typically found in beaches or places that have no landing facilities. 

Yacht tenders:

This boat is ideal for inexperienced riders as it offers maximum steadiness and protection at a reasonable price. It contains sheets of fabrics and woods placed diagonally. This type of inflatable boats has further two classes that are known as inflatable keels, high-performance hulls including a rigid inflatable boat. 


Since inflatable boats are lightweight, fast, and portable hence, they are utilized in several things:

Rigid inflatable boats are used for short scuba diving rides.

Back in 1930 inflatable boats were found on military aircraft that function over water.

Inflatable boats are widely used by armed forces of many nations to carry out search operations since these inflatable boats can be stored in less capacity and are transported on submarines.

Rescue teams like lifeguards use inflatable boats to reach the swimmers who are in anguish and want some help.

They are used for various entertaining activities like river rafting, water skiing, and fishing.
